UMassCTF is a 48-hour Jeopardy-style Capture The Flag event hosted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst Cybersecurity Club. I played with AmpunBangJago team and we managed to be the only team who solved hatmash, one of the crypto challenges.
hatmash (500 points, 1 solve)
What do you mean “We think you spend too much time with matrices.”? It’s just a hash function, jeez…
nc 10001
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
with open('flag.txt','rb') as f:
def bytes_to_mat(x):
assert len(x) == 32
bits = list('{:0256b}'.format(int.from_bytes(x,'big')))
return [[int(j) for j in bits[i:i+16]] for i in range(0,256,16)]
def mat_to_bytes(x):
return int(''.join([str(i) for j in x for i in j]),2).to_bytes((len(x)*len(x[0])+7)//8,'big')
def mod_mult(a,b,m):
assert len(a[0]) == len(b)
return [[sum([a[k][i] * b[i][j] for i in range(len(b))]) % m for j in range(len(a))] for k in range(len(a))]
def mod_add(a,b,m):
assert len(a[0]) == len(b[0]) and len(a) == len(b)
return [[(a[i][j] + b[i][j]) % m for j in range(len(a[0]))] for i in range(len(a))]
KEY = os.urandom(32*3)
print('KEY:', KEY.hex())
A,B,C = [bytes_to_mat(KEY[i::3]) for i in range(3)]
def mash(x):
bits = list('{:0{n}b}'.format(int.from_bytes(x,'big'), n = 8*len(x)))
if bits.pop(0) == '0':
ret = A
ret = B
for bit in bits:
if bit == '0':
ret = mod_mult(ret, A, 2)
ret = mod_mult(ret, B, 2)
lenC = C
for _ in range(len(x)):
lenC = mod_mult(lenC, C, 2)
return mat_to_bytes(mod_add(ret, lenC, 2))
target_hash = mash(b"gib m3 flag plox?").hex()
print('TARGET:', target_hash)
ALP = range(ord(' '), ord('~'))
user_msg = input().encode()
assert all(i in ALP for i in list(user_msg))
if b"gib m3 flag plox?" in user_msg:
print('Uuh yeah nice try...')
elif mash(user_msg).hex() == target_hash:
print('Wow, well I suppose you deserve it {}'.format(FLAG.decode()))
print('Not quite, try again...')
print('Try to be serious okay...')
In this challenge, we must provide an input that causes a hash collision with string gib m3 flag plox?
in the matrix-based hash function, in which case the matrices used by the hash function will be different for each connection. Hash collision is possible to occur when all the $ A, B, C $ matrices are invertible. So, there will be $ \mathrm{ord}(A) $ such that $ A^{\mathrm{ord}(A)+1} = A $, where $ \mathrm{ord}(A) $ is the multiplicative order of $ A $ over $ GF(2) $.
sage: A = random_matrix(GF(2), 10, 10); A
[1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0]
[0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0]
[0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1]
[1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1]
[0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1]
[1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1]
[1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1]
[0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1]
[1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0]
[1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0]
sage: A.is_invertible()
sage: ord_A = A.multiplicative_order(); ord_A
sage: A^(ord_A+1) == A
sage: A*(ord_A+1) == A
Let $ \mathrm{ord}(x) $ denotes the multiplicative order of the given matrix formed by character x
. The idea is that we will create a payload of string gib m3 flag
such that character x
repeats $ \mathrm{ord}(x)+1 $ times in order to make a collision. But here’s the thing, $ C $ protects hash collisions by considering the length of the input. So, in the implementation, we also need to adjust the input length until the payload length satisfies $ \mathrm{len(payload)} = 17 $ modulo $ \mathrm{ord}(C) $. We will use the character that has the smallest multiplicative order ($ \mathrm{ord}(z) $) and the smallest $ k $ such that $ \Delta l + k \times \mathrm{ord}(C) = 0 $ modulo $ \mathrm{ord}(z) $.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
from sage.all import *
from libnum import s2b
import sys
def bytes_to_mat(x):
assert len(x) == 32
bits = list('{:0256b}'.format(int.from_bytes(x,'big')))
return [[int(j) for j in bits[i:i+16]] for i in range(0,256,16)]
def mat_to_bytes(x):
return int(''.join([str(i) for j in x for i in j]),2).to_bytes((len(x)*len(x[0])+7)//8,'big')
def mod_mult(a,b,m):
assert len(a[0]) == len(b)
return [[sum([a[k][i] * b[i][j] for i in range(len(b))]) % m for j in range(len(a))] for k in range(len(a))]
def mod_add(a,b,m):
assert len(a[0]) == len(b[0]) and len(a) == len(b)
return [[(a[i][j] + b[i][j]) % m for j in range(len(a[0]))] for i in range(len(a))]
def mash(x):
bits = list('{:0{n}b}'.format(int.from_bytes(x,'big'), n = 8*len(x)))
if bits.pop(0) == '0':
ret = A
ret = B
for bit in bits:
if bit == '0':
ret = mod_mult(ret, A, 2)
ret = mod_mult(ret, B, 2)
lenC = C
for _ in range(len(x)):
lenC = mod_mult(lenC, C, 2)
return mat_to_bytes(mod_add(ret, lenC, 2))
ALP = range(ord(' '), ord('~'))
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
r = process(['python3', ''], level='warn')
r = remote('', 10001, level='warn')
r.recvuntil(b'KEY: ')
KEY = bytes.fromhex(r.recvline(0).decode())
r.recvuntil(b'TARGET: ')
TARGET = bytes.fromhex(r.recvline(0).decode())
A, B, C = [bytes_to_mat(KEY[i::3]) for i in range(3)]
M_a = matrix(GF(2), A)
M_b = matrix(GF(2), B)
M_c = matrix(GF(2), C)
if M_a.is_invertible() and M_b.is_invertible() and M_c.is_invertible():
ord_a = M_a.multiplicative_order()
ord_b = M_b.multiplicative_order()
ord_c = M_c.multiplicative_order()
if ord_c > 2048: exit()
print('\n', ord_a, ord_b, ord_c)
def find_smallest_order():
ch = ''
minorder = 10**7
for i in ' 3abfgilmopx':
tmp = bin(ord(i))[2:].zfill(8)
ret = M_a if tmp[0] == '0' else M_b
for bit in tmp[1:]:
if bit == '0':
ret *= M_a
ret *= M_b
order = ret.multiplicative_order()
if order < minorder:
ch = i
minorder = order
return [ch, minorder]
ch, minord = find_smallest_order()
print('ch minord', ch, minord)
if minord > 2048: exit()
payload1 = 'gib m3 flag plox?'
payload2 = payload1.replace(ch, ch*(minord+1))
print('len payload2', len(payload2))
delta = (len(payload1) - len(payload2)) % ord_c
print('delta', delta)
assert (len(payload2) + delta) % ord_c == len(payload1)
def find_ch_order():
box = []
for i in range(ord(' '), ord('~')):
tmp = bin(i)[2:].zfill(8)
ret = M_a if tmp[0] == '0' else M_b
for bit in tmp[1:]:
if bit == '0':
ret *= M_a
ret *= M_b
order = ret.multiplicative_order()
box.append([chr(i), order])
for i in range(ord(' '), ord('~')):
for j in range(ord(' '), ord('~')):
# tmp = bin(i)[2:].zfill(8)
tmp = bin(i)[2:].zfill(8) + bin(j)[2:].zfill(8)
ret = M_a if tmp[0] == '0' else M_b
for bit in tmp[1:]:
if bit == '0':
ret *= M_a
ret *= M_b
order = ret.multiplicative_order()
box.append([chr(i)+chr(j), order])
return box
ch_ord = find_ch_order()
found = False
for k in range(ord_c):
z = delta + k * ord_c
for ch, oneord in ch_ord:
if z % oneord == 0 and z % len(ch) == 0:
print('k', k)
print('z', z)
print('ch oneord', ch, oneord)
found = True
if found: break
payload2 += ch * (z // len(ch))
print('len payload2', len(payload2))
if len(payload2) > 2048: exit()
Run this code continously until we get all the $ A, B, C $ matrices are invertible and $ C $ has small multiplicative order.
$ while true; do python3; done
32385 32766 204
ch minord a 126
len payload2 143
delta 78
k 0
z 78
ch oneord "F 39
len payload2 221
Wow, well I suppose you deserve it UMASS{m4tr1c3s_4r3_dumb_ch4ng3_my_m1nd}
This is my first time for being the only person who managed to solve a challenge until the CTF ends at the international CTF. Our team did not perform at its best, but we still managed to secure the top 10 rank out of 314 teams. Kudos to Polymero, the crypto challs author, for serving high-quality crypto challs in this CTF.